Monday, March 23, 2009


So, the update from last week is that I am pretty savvy with InDesign now. I don't think I could hire myself out as a free lance designer or anything, but I did my own 3-fold brochure. I worked and was able to get all the magnets done, did a logo to put on my CafePress Tshirts and such and the 3 fold. I brought it home on Friday so Jason could look at it and proof it and after I said, "so what do you think?" He tells me it reminds him of a Chinese Food Menu!! haha. And when I asked him, why do you think that? He said it was a 3 fold, like a take out menu would be and the picture on the front (Garth) is a Siamese Cat sitting in grass.. so maybe it was the grass. In any case, I'll be tweaking it this week to make it look less Chinese-y ha ha.

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