Monday, March 30, 2009


I have to admit that I havn't been working on art as much as I should be. How did I come to this conclusion?? Because the guilt that I feel everytime I walk by my desk with a half finished painting on it and the fact that my art news letter tells me that I should be working every day, which isn't happening and that I spent my entire weekend out in the woods. Don't get me wrong I had some serious quality time with nature and saw some pretty amazing things. But why the guilt? Why can't I just accept the fact that I'd rather be doing some thing else some times? Maybe it's because I want you to consider me to be an actual working artist. But I didn't even go to the show this weekend where my painting was hung up. (Although it'll be up the entire month of April). And I had gone to the opening last year and stayed all of 10 minutes. Not a big show and there was really no one there I knew or had any desire to talk to at the time. Oh well. I tell myself this week will be different, but i know in the back of my mind, I get home and get busy with cleaning the apt, dinner or what ever and then the next thing you know it's 10:30pm and I got to get to bed. I did however tweak that pamphlet that I did for promos and I think it's lost it's Chinese menu feel !

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